Post by Chinchilla on Nov 19, 2012 16:55:13 GMT -5
[/b] TotalOne ForestclanOne CloudclanOne LonerNone DeceasedNone QUICK CHARACTER REFERENCESquirrelpaw - Tom - Seven Moons - Forestclan - Apprentice Brindlestorm - Queen - Twenty four moons - Cloudclan - Warrior Zack - Tom - Thirty moons - Loner WORK IN PROGRESS LISTMistpaw - Tom - 6 moons - Cloudclan - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Audition - 0/7 days! IMPORTANT LINKSNone[/center] [/ul]
Post by Chinchilla on Nov 19, 2012 17:02:15 GMT -5
S Q U I R R E L P A W “What's life without a bit of danger?”F O R E S T C L A NApprenticeR E L A T I O N S H I P SCherrypaw - "My sister! Cherrypaw's the toughest apprentice around, you know." Yellowpaw - "My other littermate! Yellowpaw is super smart and I like her a lot." S T A T U SMentalSquirrelpaw is happy and excited about anything! Nothing bad has happened to this kid.PhysicalSquirrelpaw is healthy! He isn't full grown yet.T H R E A D SOpena bit of color - Squirrelpaw catches a blue-jay and proceeds to try and give the feathers to his clan-mates. Instead he gets them everywhere. {Squirrelpaw, No one else} ClosedCompletedP L A Y L I S T
Post by Chinchilla on Nov 20, 2012 20:41:03 GMT -5
[/b] "I would rather die with honor then live as a coward."C L O U D C L A NwarriorR E L A T I O N S H I P SNoneS T A T U SMentalBrindlestorm is homesick and mourning her mother.PhysicalBrindlestorm is healthy, if a bit thin from the journey.T H R E A D SOpenClosedHomesick - Brindlestorm is homesick and goes scouting to distract herself. Minnowstar finds her, and they discuss the new territory.CompletedP L A Y L I S T[/ul][/center]
Post by Chinchilla on Nov 20, 2012 23:42:44 GMT -5
[/b] "I might be homeless, but at least I can think for myself."L O N E RR E L A T I O N S H I P SZack doesn't know anyone.S T A T U SMentalZack is doing alright mentally.PhysicalZack is thin and a bit worn down, but doing alright.T H R E A D SOpenIn the middle - Zack catches a rabbit on the border, and meets a mysterious, injured kit.ClosedCompletedP L A Y L I S T[/center][/ul]